Goldenrod Facts and Folklore

Our “Herb of the Week”, Goldenrod, has many healing properties as the latin name suggests. Solidago comes from the latin word “Solidus” which means whole and many herbalists around the world use it to treat everything from UTIs to inflammation of the skin.

Fun Facts About Goldenrod

  • There are 25 species of goldenrod in Indiana including the most uncommon variety; “Short’s Goldenrod(Solidago shortii)
  • Solidago bicolor has flowers that are white in color
  • Goldenrod is the state flower of Nebraska, Alabama and Kentucky
  • Goldenrod can be used to make rubber
  • Goldenrod is often associated with allergies though the actual culprit is ragweed which blooms at the same time

Goldenrod Folklore

Here are some interesting things I found in the Farmer’s Almanac:

  • People once used goldenrod to find water, they believed that wherever it grew, a hidden spring was nearby
  • In the US, farmer’s wisdom says that when you see the first goldenrod blooms, you can expect frost in six weeks
  • Goldenrod flowers are a symbol of wealth and good fortune. Some say if goldenrod starts growing near your home, your family will have an unexpected run of good luck
  • Pioneers used goldenrod salve to ease the pain of bee stings


Photo credit: The Farmer’s Almanac
Sources: The Farmer’s Almanac, The Flower Expert

4 Comments Add yours

  1. hocuspocus13 says:

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  2. Tao Life Blog says:

    Thank you so much for posting about the valuable herb. They are growing rampantly on the a roadside near my home.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are very welcome! There is more information about how to use it under Materia medica: Goldenrod if you want to know more.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Tao Life Blog says:

        Thank you!


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